NAFAS is the National Association of Flower Arrangers Society, which, we Estepona Floral Art Club, are pleased to be affiliated to. Mavis Tolfree past Area Chairman, East of England Area, founded Estepona Floral Art Club in April 1999. Mavis is now Honary Life President.
Arrangement designed & arranged by David Thomson, NAFAS National Demonstrator
Photos: The Best of Marbella
Copyright: Estepona Floral Art Club
Estepona Floral Art Club has a raffle at each month’s demonstration, and 5 lucky ladies take home one of the wonderful arrangements that have been created that day. We are very fortunate to be able to introduce to our members each month an NAFAS Area or National Demonstrator from the UK who delights us all with their different types of Floral Arrangements.
Forthcoming events in 2010:
March 16th we hold our A.G.M. so there will not be a demonstration this day. First Call is 11.45 and the meeting will commence prompt at 12.15. A light lunch will be available after the meeting. Contact the Chairman for details.
April 20th, we look forward to welcoming back to the club Ann Marie Kendrick, National Teacher from Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.
May 18th, we welcome Susan Philips, National Demonstrator from Orpintgon in Kent.
June 16th, we will be holding our Annual Event, Details to be announced next month.
July and August no meetings
September 21st, we welcome back to our Club Dulcie Lofting, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Kings Lynn in Norfolk.
October 19th, we welcome Christopher White, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Co. Dublin
November 16th we welcome Jayne King, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Oxford.
December 7th, w welcome back to our club Alan Beatty, NAFAS National Demonstrator from Clogher N. Ireland.
A 3 course Lunch will be included in this days demonstration. Details to be announced.
January 18th 2011, we begin our New Year by welcoming Stephanie Laing, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Sussex.
February 15th, we welcome Tom Hodge, NAFAS National Demonstrator from Southport.
Chairman: Anne Atkinson Tel:- 952 890 352
After the 16th March the new Chairman: Marilyn Pemberton Tel:- 952 928 197
For further information on any of the clubs monthly meetings or any of the above events, please contact:
Lesley Storey
Publicity Officer
Estepona Floral Art Club
e-mail: lesleyann@hotmail.es
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