The Best of the World, multicultural and cosmopolitan network that promotes the best; inspiring people to make the world a better place
Happy New Year 2010
For many of us, 2009 has been very challenging, however, with lots of opportunities and learning experiences which made us wiser and stronger.
Let´s hope that 2010 will bring us hope for peace in the world, stability, health and happiness, awareness that no matter how small our contribution in this world is, we can still contribute to some positive changes, even if we only sign a petition, make a donation or volunteer our time to a good cause... I am deeply grateful for so many gifts in my life, starting from my 12 year old son, my family, friends and my business associates who mostly became my friends over the time. 2010 looks promising for creating even more success, abundance, connecting with many people, finding true friends and taking even more charge of our lifes...
Even though "The Best of Marbella" physically moved and expanded to Vienna, we are even more active than before. After the Christmas and New Year´s holidays, when we used this time to slow down, reflect and say goodbye to 2009, we are now prepared to embrace 2010. Happy New Year!
"May this New Year be one of Joy, abundance, good-will, peaceful awakenings and graceful journeys. May we have courage to look for the blessing in every moment, and the audacity to celebrate it!
May compassion reign in our hearts and kindness ring through every word. May our waking dreams be filled
with joy, creativity and passionate pursuits. May our hearts and minds be joined as One; unified within, so without.
May we remember we are all Children of the Earth: kindred spirits, brothers and sisters, members of the Great family of Love.
May we choose Love over fear; unity and harmony over separation and discord. May we have the strength to claim our authentic power; standing true in Word, action and deed, and with firm resolve, BE the change we wish to see in the world.
May our children see the Light of Love in our eyes. May our elders be honored for the wisdom each bears. May every Heart trust they are Divinely endowed with the birth-right to thrive, and wake each day celebrating the Great-Full-Ness of life.
May we remember Heaven is within our Hearts, opening our eyes to the sacred in all things. May we breathe prayers of thanks into each moment, and with reverence honor the gift this Life brings."
Happy New Year in many languages:
Arabic: Kul 'aam u antum salimoun
Brazilian: Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo means "Good Parties and Happy New Year"
Chinese: Chu Shen Tan
Czech: Scastny Novy Rok
Dutch: Gullukkig Niuw Jaar
Finnish: Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French: Bonne Annee
German: Prosit Neujahr
Greek: Eftecheezmaenos o Kaenooryos hronos
Hebrew: L'Shannah Tovah Tikatevu
Hungarian: Boldog új évet
Hindi: Niya Saa Moobaarak
Irish (Gaelic): Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Buon Capodanno
Khmer: Sua Sdei tfnam tmei
Laotian: Sabai dee pee mai
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Russian: S Novim Godom
Serbo-Croatian: Srecna nova godina
Spanish: Feliz Ano Neuvo or Prospero Ano Nuevo
Turkish: Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Vietnamese: Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan
The Best of Marbella team
Maria, Syl and many associated partners
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